The Italian branch of the United Technology Research Center

Giacomo Gentile

Presentation title

The Italian branch of the United Technology Research Center


Giacomo Gentile


United Technologies Research Center, Rome

Presentation type

Presentation of a company involved in the Embedded Systems business


ALES s.r.l. is the Italian branch of the United Technology Research Center (UTRC). UTRC serves as the innovation hub of United Technologies (UTC) developing new technologies and facilitating the transfer of technology and capabilities across the company. UTC is the world’s leading provider of high-technology systems and services to the aerospace and building systems industries. ALES is focused on advancing the capabilities of UTC in model-based system engineering for complex cyber-physical systems, embedded high-performance computing, real-time embedded SW and the application of these technologies and methodologies to the development of UTC’s aerospace and building and industrial systems products.

Additional material

  • Presentation slides: [pdf]

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