Enrico Tronci. "Introductory Paper." Sttt 8, no. 4-5 (2006): 355–358. DOI: 10.1007/s10009-005-0212-y.
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Giuseppe Della Penna, Daniele Magazzeni, Alberto Tofani, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, and Enrico Tronci. "Automated Generation Of Optimal Controllers Through Model Checking Techniques." In Informatics in Control Automation and Robotics. Selected Papers from ICINCO 2006, 107–119. Springer, 2008. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79142-3_10.
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Novella Bartolini, and Enrico Tronci. "On Optimizing Service Availability of an Internet Based Architecture for Infrastructure Protection." In Cnip., 2006.
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Michele Cecconi, and Enrico Tronci. "Requirements Formalization and Validation for a Telecommunication Equipment Protection Switcher." In Hase. IEEE Computer Society, 2000. ISSN: 0-7695-0927-4. DOI: 10.1109/HASE.2000.895456.
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Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Merging Planning, Scheduling & Verification – A Preliminary Analysis." In In Proc. of 10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA)., 2008.
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Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Validation and Verification Issues in a Timeline-based Planning System." In In E-Proc. of ICAPS Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling., 2008.
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Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Verifying Flexible Timeline-based Plans." In E-Proc. of ICAPS Workshop on Validation and Verification of Planning and Scheduling Systems., 2009.
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Roberto Gorrieri, Ruggero Lanotte, Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Fabio Martinelli, Simone Tini, and Enrico Tronci. "Automated analysis of timed security: a case study on web privacy." International Journal of Information Security 2, no. 3-4 (2004): 168–186. DOI: 10.1007/s10207-004-0037-9.
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Ruggero Lanotte, Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Simone Tini, Angelo Troina, and Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Analysis of the NRL Pump." Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 99 (2004): 245–266. DOI: 10.1016/j.entcs.2004.02.011.
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Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Synchronized regular expressions." Acta Inf. 39, no. 1 (2003): 31–70.
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