Giuseppe Della Penna, Alberto Tofani, Marcello Pecorari, Orazio Raparelli, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, and Enrico Tronci. "A Case Study on Automated Generation of Integration Tests." In Fdl, 278–284. Ecsi, 2006. ISSN: 978-3-00-019710-9.
Amedeo Cesta, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, Alberto Finzi, and Enrico Tronci. "Flexible Plan Verification: Feasibility Results." Fundamenta Informaticae 107, no. 2 (2011): 111–137. DOI: 10.3233/FI-2011-397.
Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Flexible Timeline-Based Plan Verification." In KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009. Proceedings, edited by B. Ã. ¤rbel Mertsching, M. Hund and M. Z. Aziz, 49–56. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5803. Springer, 2009. ISSN: 978-3-642-04616-2. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04617-9_7.
Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Flexible Plan Verification: Feasibility Results." In 16th RCRA International Workshop on “Experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion” (RCRA). Proceedings., 2009.
Andrea Bobbio, Ester Ciancamerla, Michele Minichino, and Enrico Tronci. "Functional analysis of a telecontrol system and stochastic measures of its GSM/GPRS connections." Archives of Transport – International Journal of Transport Problems 17, no. 3-4 (2005).
"Charme." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, edited by D. Geist and E. Tronci. Vol. 2860. Springer, 2003. ISSN: 3-540-20363-X. DOI: 10.1007/b93958.
Corrado Böhm, and Enrico Tronci. "About Systems of Equations, X-Separability, and Left-Invertibility in the lambda-Calculus." Inf. Comput. 90, no. 1 (1991): 1–32. DOI: 10.1016/0890-5401(91)90057-9.
Corrado Böhm, Adolfo Piperno, and Enrico Tronci. "Solving Equations in λ-calculus." In Proc. of: Logic Colloquium 88. Padova - Italy, 1989.
Corrado Böhm, and Enrico Tronci. "X-Separability and Left-Invertibility in lambda-calculus." In Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS), 320–328. Ithaca, New York, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 1987.
Corrado Böhm, and Enrico Tronci. "X-separability and left-invertibility in the λ-calculus (extended abstract, invited paper)." In Proceedings of: Temi e prospettive della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza contemporanea. Cesena - Italy, 1987.