Q. M. Chen, A. Finzi, T. Mancini, I. Melatti, and E. Tronci. "MILP, Pseudo-Boolean, and OMT Solvers for Optimal Fault-Tolerant Placements of Relay Nodes in Mission Critical Wireless Networks." Fundamenta Informaticae 174 (2020): 229–258. IOS Press. ISSN: 1875-8681. DOI: 10.3233/FI-2020-1941.
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S. Fischer, R. Ehrig, S. Schaefer, E. Tronci, T. Mancini, M. Egli, F. Ille, T. H. C. Krueger, B. Leeners, and S. Roeblitz. "Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Provides Evidence for New Strategies of Ovarian Stimulation." Frontiers in Endocrinology 12 (2021): 117. ISSN: 1664-2392. DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2021.613048.
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I. Melatti, F. Mari, T. Mancini, M. Prodanovic, and E. Tronci. "A Two-Layer Near-Optimal Strategy for Substation Constraint Management via Home Batteries." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2021): 1. Notes: To appear. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2021.3102431.
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T. Mancini, I. Melatti, and E. Tronci. "Any-horizon uniform random sampling and enumeration of constrained scenarios for simulation-based formal verification." IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2021): 1. ISSN: 1939-3520. Notes: To appear. DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2021.3109842.
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Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Exploiting Transition Locality in the Disk Based Mur$\varphi$ Verifier." In 4th International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), edited by M. Aagaard and J. W. O'Leary, 202–219. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2517. Portland, OR, USA: Springer, 2002. ISSN: 3-540-00116-6. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36126-X_13.
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Vadim Alimguzhin, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Ivano Salvo, and Enrico Tronci. "On Model Based Synthesis of Embedded Control Software." In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Embedded Software, EMSOFT 2012, part of the Eighth Embedded Systems Week, ESWeek 2012, Tampere, Finland, October 7-12, 2012, edited by Ahmed Jerraya and Luca P. Carloni and Florence Maraninchi and John Regehr, 227–236. ACM, 2012. Notes: Techreport version can be found at arxiv.org. DOI: 10.1145/2380356.2380398.
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Marco Gribaudo, Andras Horváth, Andrea Bobbio, Enrico Tronci, Ester Ciancamerla, and Michele Minichino. "Model-Checking Based on Fluid Petri Nets for the Temperature Control System of the ICARO Co-generative Plant." In 21st International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP), edited by S. Anderson, S. Bologna and M. Felici, 273–283. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2434. Catania, Italy: Springer, 2002. ISSN: 3-540-44157-3. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45732-1_27.
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Ester Ciancamerla, Michele Minichino, Stefano Serro, and Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Timeliness Verification of a Public Mobile Network." In 22nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), edited by S. Anderson, M. Felici and B. Littlewood, 35–48. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2788. Edinburgh, UK: Springer, 2003. ISSN: 978-3-540-20126-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39878-3_4.
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Giuseppe Della Penna, Daniele Magazzeni, Alberto Tofani, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, and Enrico Tronci. "Automated Generation of Optimal Controllers through Model Checking Techniques." In Icinco-Icso, edited by J. Andrade-Cetto, J. - L. Ferrier, J. M. C. D. Pereira and J. Filipe, 26–33. INSTICC Press, 2006. ISSN: 972-8865-59-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-79142-3.
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Federico Mari, and Enrico Tronci. "CEGAR Based Bounded Model Checking of Discrete Time Hybrid Systems." In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2007), edited by A. Bemporad, A. Bicchi and G. C. Buttazzo, 399–412. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4416. Springer, 2007. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-71493-4_32.
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