Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Synthesis of Control Software for an Industrial Automation Control System." In Proc.of: 14th IEEE International Conference on: Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 247–250. Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, 1999. DOI: 10.1109/ASE.1999.802292.
Abstract: We present a case study on automatic synthesis of control software from formal specifications for an industrial automation control system. Our aim is to compare the effectiveness (i.e. design effort and controller quality) of automatic controller synthesis from closed loop formal specifications with that of manual controller design, followed by automatic verification. Our experimental results show that for industrial automation control systems, automatic synthesis is a viable and profitable (especially as far as design effort is concerned) alternative to manual design, followed by automatic verification.
Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Synthesis of Controllers from Formal Specifications." In Proc of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM), 134–143. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1998. DOI: 10.1109/ICFEM.1998.730577.
Abstract: Many safety critical reactive systems are indeed embedded control systems. Usually a control system can be partitioned into two main subsystems: a controller and a plant. Roughly speaking: the controller observes the state of the plant and sends commands (stimulus) to the plant to achieve predefined goals. We show that when the plant can be modeled as a deterministic finite state system (FSS) it is possible to effectively use formal methods to automatically synthesize the program implementing the controller from the plant model and the given formal specifications for the closed loop system (plant+controller). This guarantees that the controller program is correct by construction. To the best of our knowledge there is no previously published effective algorithm to extract executable code for the controller from closed loop formal specifications. We show practical usefulness of our techniques by giving experimental results on their use to synthesize C programs implementing optimal controllers (OCs) for plants with more than 109 states.
Enrico Tronci. "Equational Programming in Lambda-Calculus via SL-Systems. Part 1." Theoretical Computer Science 160, no. 1&2 (1996): 145–184. DOI: 10.1016/0304-3975(95)00105-0.
Enrico Tronci. "Equational Programming in Lambda-Calculus via SL-Systems. Part 2." Theoretical Computer Science 160, no. 1&2 (1996): 185–216. DOI: 10.1016/0304-3975(95)00106-9.
Andrea Bobbio, Sandro Bologna, Michele Minichino, Ester Ciancamerla, Piero Incalcaterra, Corrado Kropp, and Enrico Tronci. "Advanced techniques for safety analysis applied to the gas turbine control system of Icaro co generative plant." In X Convegno Tecnologie e Sistemi Energetici Complessi, 339–350. Genova, Italy, 2001.
Abstract: The paper describes two complementary and integrable approaches, a probabilistic one and a deterministic one, based on classic and advanced modelling techniques for safety analysis of complex computer based systems. The probabilistic approach is based on classical and innovative probabilistic analysis methods. The deterministic approach is based on formal verification methods. Such approaches are applied to the gas turbine control system of ICARO co generative plant, in operation at ENEA CR Casaccia. The main difference between the two approaches, behind the underlining different theories, is that the probabilistic one addresses the control system by itself, as the set of sensors, processing units and actuators, while the deterministic one also includes the behaviour of the equipment under control which interacts with the control system. The final aim of the research, documented in this paper, is to explore an innovative method which put the probabilistic and deterministic approaches in a strong relation to overcome the drawbacks of their isolated, selective and fragmented use which can lead to inconsistencies in the evaluation results.
Mario Coppo, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Elio Giovannetti, and Ivano Salvo. "Mobility Types for Mobile Processes in Mobile Ambients." Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 78 (2003). DOI: 10.1016/S1571-0661(04)81011-9.
Abstract: We present an ambient-like calculus in which the open capability is dropped, and a new form of “lightweight  process mobility is introduced. The calculus comes equipped with a type system that allows the kind of values exchanged in communications and the access and mobility properties of processes to be controlled. A type inference procedure determines the “minimal  requirements to accept a system or a component as well typed. This gives a kind of principal typing. As an expressiveness test, we show that some well known calculi of concurrency and mobility can be encoded in our calculus in a natural way.
Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Exploiting Transition Locality in Automatic Verification of Finite State Concurrent Systems." Sttt 6, no. 4 (2004): 320–341. DOI: 10.1007/s10009-004-0149-6.
Abstract: In this paper we show that statistical properties of the transition graph of a system to be verified can be exploited to improve memory or time performances of verification algorithms. We show experimentally that protocols exhibit transition locality. That is, with respect to levels of a breadth-first state space exploration, state transitions tend to be between states belonging to close levels of the transition graph. We support our claim by measuring transition locality for the set of protocols included in the Mur$\varphi$ verifier distribution. We present a cache-based verification algorithm that exploits transition locality to decrease memory usage and a disk-based verification algorithm that exploits transition locality to decrease disk read accesses, thus reducing the time overhead due to disk usage. Both algorithms have been implemented within the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. Our experimental results show that our cache-based algorithm can typically save more than 40% of memory with an average time penalty of about 50% when using (Mur$\varphi$) bit compression and 100% when using bit compression and hash compaction, whereas our disk-based verification algorithm is typically more than ten times faster than a previously proposed disk-based verification algorithm and, even when using 10% of the memory needed to complete verification, it is only between 40 and 530% (300% on average) slower than (RAM) Mur$\varphi$ with enough memory to complete the verification task at hand. Using just 300 MB of memory our disk-based Mur$\varphi$ was able to complete verification of a protocol with about $10^9$ reachable states. This would require more than 5 GB of memory using standard Mur$\varphi$.
Federico Cavaliere, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Giovanni Minei, Ivano Salvo, Enrico Tronci, Giovanni Verzino, and Yuri Yushtein. "Model Checking Satellite Operational Procedures." In DAta Systems In Aerospace (DASIA), Org. EuroSpace, Canadian Space Agency, CNES, ESA, EUMETSAT. San Anton, Malta, EuroSpace., 2011.
Abstract: We present a model checking approach for the automatic verification of satellite operational procedures (OPs). Building a model for a complex system as a satellite is a hard task. We overcome this obstruction by using a suitable simulator (SIMSAT) for the satellite. Our approach aims at improving OP quality assurance by automatic exhaustive exploration of all possible simulation scenarios. Moreover, our solution decreases OP verification costs by using a model checker (CMurphi) to automatically drive the simulator. We model OPs as user-executed programs observing the simulator telemetries and sending telecommands to the simulator. In order to assess feasibility of our approach we present experimental results on a simple meaningful scenario. Our results show that we can save up to 90% of verification time.
Amedeo Cesta, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, Alberto Finzi, and Enrico Tronci. "Flexible Plan Verification: Feasibility Results." Fundamenta Informaticae 107, no. 2 (2011): 111–137. DOI: 10.3233/FI-2011-397.
Andrea Bobbio, Ester Ciancamerla, Saverio Di Blasi, Alessandro Iacomini, Federico Mari, Igor Melatti, Michele Minichino, Alessandro Scarlatti, Enrico Tronci, Roberta Terruggia et al. "Risk analysis via heterogeneous models of SCADA interconnecting Power Grids and Telco networks." In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), 90–97., 2009. DOI: 10.1109/CRISIS.2009.5411974.
Abstract: The automation of power grids by means of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems has led to an improvement of power grid operations and functionalities but also to pervasive cyber interdependencies between power grids and telecommunication networks. Many power grid services are increasingly depending upon the adequate functionality of SCADA system which in turn strictly depends on the adequate functionality of its communication infrastructure. We propose to tackle the SCADA risk analysis by means of different and heterogeneous modeling techniques and software tools. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach through a case study on an actual SCADA system for an electrical power distribution grid. The modeling techniques we discuss aim at providing a probabilistic dependability analysis, followed by a worst case analysis in presence of malicious attacks and a real-time performance evaluation.