Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Finite Horizon Analysis of Stochastic Systems with the Mur$\varphi$ Verifier." In Theoretical Computer Science, 8th Italian Conference, ICTCS 2003, Bertinoro, Italy, October 13-15, 2003, Proceedings, edited by C. Blundo and C. Laneve, 58–71. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2841. Springer, 2003. ISSN: 3-540-20216-1. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-45208-9_6.
Abstract: Many reactive systems are actually Stochastic Processes. Automatic analysis of such systems is usually very difficult thus typically one simplifies the analysis task by using simulation or by working on a simplified model (e.g. a Markov Chain). We present a Finite Horizon Probabilistic Model Checking approach which essentially can handle the same class of stochastic processes of a typical simulator. This yields easy modeling of the system to be analyzed together with formal verification capabilities. Our approach is based on a suitable disk based extension of the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. Moreover we present experimental results showing effectiveness of our approach.
Ester Ciancamerla, Michele Minichino, Stefano Serro, and Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Timeliness Verification of a Public Mobile Network." In 22nd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (SAFECOMP), edited by S. Anderson, M. Felici and B. Littlewood, 35–48. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2788. Edinburgh, UK: Springer, 2003. ISSN: 978-3-540-20126-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39878-3_4.
Abstract: This paper deals with the automatic verification of the timeliness of Public Mobile Network (PMN), consisting of Mobile Nodes (MNs) and Base Stations (BSs). We use the Mur$\varphi$ Model Checker to verify that the waiting access time of each MN, under different PMN configurations and loads, and different inter arrival times of MNs in a BS cell, is always below a preassigned threshold. Our experimental results show that Model Checking can be successfully used to generate worst case scenarios and nicely complements probabilistic methods and simulation which are typically used for performance evaluation.
Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Bounded Probabilistic Model Checking with the Mur$\varphi$ Verifier." In Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 5th International Conference, FMCAD 2004, Austin, Texas, USA, November 15-17, 2004, Proceedings, edited by A. J. Hu and A. K. Martin, 214–229. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3312. Springer, 2004. ISSN: 3-540-23738-0. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-30494-4_16.
Abstract: In this paper we present an explicit verification algorithm for Probabilistic Systems defining discrete time/finite state Markov Chains. We restrict ourselves to verification of Bounded PCTL formulas (BPCTL), that is, PCTL formulas in which all Until operators are bounded, possibly with different bounds. This means that we consider only paths (system runs) of bounded length. Given a Markov Chain $\cal M$ and a BPCTL formula Φ, our algorithm checks if Φ is satisfied in $\cal M$. This allows to verify important properties, such as reliability in Discrete Time Hybrid Systems. We present an implementation of our algorithm within a suitable extension of the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. We call FHP-Mur$\varphi$ (Finite Horizon Probabilistic Mur$\varphi$) such extension of the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. We give experimental results comparing FHP-Mur$\varphi$ with (a finite horizon subset of) PRISM, a state-of-the-art symbolic model checker for Markov Chains. Our experimental results show that FHP-Mur$\varphi$ can effectively handle verification of BPCTL formulas for systems that are out of reach for PRISM, namely those involving arithmetic operations on the state variables (e.g. hybrid systems).
Rosario Pugliese, and Enrico Tronci. "Automatic Verification of a Hydroelectric Power Plant." In Third International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe (FME), Co-Sponsored by IFIP WG 14.3, edited by M. - C. Gaudel and J. Woodcock, 425–444. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1051. Oxford, UK: Springer, 1996. ISSN: 3-540-60973-3. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-60973-3_100.
Abstract: We analyze the specification of a hydroelectric power plant by ENEL (the Italian Electric Company). Our goal is to show that for the specification of the plant (its control system in particular) some given properties hold. We were provided with an informal specification of the plant. From such informal specification we wrote a formal specification using the CCS/Meije process algebra formalism. We defined properties using μ-calculus. Automatic verification was carried out using model checking. This was done by translating our process algebra definitions (the model) and μ-calculus formulas into BDDs. In this paper we present the informal specification of the plant, its formal specification, some of the properties we verified and experimental results.
Alessandro Fantechi, Stefania Gnesi, Franco Mazzanti, Rosario Pugliese, and Enrico Tronci. "A Symbolic Model Checker for ACTL." In International Workshop on Current Trends in Applied Formal Method (FM-Trends), edited by D. Hutter, W. Stephan, P. Traverso and M. Ullmann, 228–242. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1641. Boppard, Germany: Springer, 1998. ISSN: 3-540-66462-9. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-48257-1_14.
Abstract: We present SAM, a symbolic model checker for ACTL, the action-based version of CTL. SAM relies on implicit representations of Labeled Transition Systems (LTSs), the semantic domain for ACTL formulae, and uses symbolic manipulation algorithms. SAM has been realized by translating (networks of) LTSs and, possibly recursive, ACTL formulae into BSP (Boolean Symbolic Programming), a programming language aiming at defining computations on boolean functions, and by using the BSP interpreter to carry out computations (i.e. verifications).
Enrico Tronci, Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Exploiting Transition Locality in Automatic Verification." In 11th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME), edited by T. Margaria and T. F. Melham, 259–274. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2144. Livingston, Scotland, UK: Springer, 2001. ISSN: 3-540-42541-1. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-44798-9_22.
Abstract: In this paper we present an algorithm to contrast state explosion when using Explicit State Space Exploration to verify protocols. We show experimentally that protocols exhibit transition locality. We present a verification algorithm that exploits transition locality as well as an implementation of it within the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. Our algorithm is compatible with all Breadth First (BF) optimization techniques present in the Mur$\varphi$ verifier and it is by no means a substitute for any of them. In fact, since our algorithm trades space with time, it is typically most useful when one runs out of memory and has already used all other state reduction techniques present in the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. Our experimental results show that using our approach we can typically save more than 40% of RAM with an average time penalty of about 50% when using (Mur$\varphi$) bit compression and 100% when using bit compression and hash compaction.
Giuseppe Della Penna, Benedetto Intrigila, Igor Melatti, Michele Minichino, Ester Ciancamerla, Andrea Parisse, Enrico Tronci, and Marisa Venturini Zilli. "Automatic Verification of a Turbogas Control System with the Mur$\varphi$ Verifier." In Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 6th International Workshop, HSCC 2003 Prague, Czech Republic, April 3-5, 2003, Proceedings, edited by O. Maler and A. Pnueli, 141–155. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2623. Springer, 2003. ISSN: 3-540-00913-2. DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36580-X.
Abstract: Automatic analysis of Hybrid Systems poses formidable challenges both from a modeling as well as from a verification point of view. We present a case study on automatic verification of a Turbogas Control System (TCS) using an extended version of the Mur$\varphi$ verifier. TCS is the heart of ICARO, a 2MW Co-generative Electric Power Plant. For large hybrid systems, as TCS is, the modeling effort accounts for a significant part of the whole verification activity. In order to ease our modeling effort we extended the Mur$\varphi$ verifier by importing the C language long double type (finite precision real numbers) into it. We give experimental results on running our extended Mur$\varphi$ on our TCS model. For example using Mur$\varphi$ we were able to compute an admissible range of values for the variation speed of the user demand of electric power to the turbogas.
Benedetto Intrigila, Ivano Salvo, and Stefano Sorgi. "A characterization of weakly Church-Rosser abstract reduction systems that are not Church-Rosser." Information and Computation 171, no. 2 (2001): 137–155. Academic Press, Inc.. ISSN: 0890-5401. DOI: 10.1006/inco.2001.2945.
Abstract: Basic properties of rewriting systems can be stated in the framework of abstract reduction systems (ARS). Properties like confluence (or Church-Rosser, CR) and weak confluence (or weak Church-Rosser, WCR) and their relationships can be studied in this setting: as a matter of fact, well-known counterexamples to the implication WCR CR have been formulated as ARS. In this paper, starting from the observation that such counterexamples are structurally similar, we set out a graph-theoretic characterization of WCR ARS that is not CR in terms of a suitable class of reduction graphs, such that in every WCR not CR ARS, we can embed at least one element of this class. Moreover, we give a tighter characterization for a restricted class of ARS enjoying a suitable regularity condition. Finally, as a consequence of our approach, we prove some interesting results about ARS using the mathematical tools developed. In particular, we prove an extension of the Newman’s lemma and we find out conditions that, once assumed together with WCR property, ensure the unique normal form property. The Appendix treats two interesting examples, both generated by graph-rewriting rules, with specific combinatorial properties.
Novella Bartolini, and Enrico Tronci. "On Optimizing Service Availability of an Internet Based Architecture for Infrastructure Protection." In Cnip., 2006.
Amedeo Cesta, Alberto Finzi, Simone Fratini, Andrea Orlandini, and Enrico Tronci. "Merging Planning, Scheduling & Verification – A Preliminary Analysis." In In Proc. of 10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA)., 2008.