Author  |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Publisher |
Volume |
Pages |
Pugliese, Rosario; Tronci, Enrico |
Automatic Verification of a Hydroelectric Power Plant |
1996 |
Third International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe (FME), Co-Sponsored by IFIP WG 14.3 |
Springer |
3-540-60973-3 |
10.1007/3-540-60973-3_100 |
425-444 |
Sinisi, S.; Alimguzhin, V.; Mancini, T.; Tronci, E. |
Reconciling interoperability with efficient Verification and Validation within open source simulation environments |
2021 |
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory |
1569-190x |
10.1016/j.simpat.2021.102277 |
102277 |
Sinisi, S.; Alimguzhin, V.; Mancini, T.; Tronci, E.; Leeners, B. |
Complete populations of virtual patients for in silico clinical trials |
2021 |
Bioinformatics |
1367-4803 |
10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa1026 |
1-8 |
Sinisi, S.; Alimguzhin, V.; Mancini, T.; Tronci, E.; Mari, F.; Leeners, B. |
Optimal Personalised Treatment Computation through In Silico Clinical Trials on Patient Digital Twins |
2020 |
IOS Press |
1875-8681 |
10.3233/FI-2020-1943 |
174 |
283-310 |
Toni Mancini; Enrico Tronci; Ivano Salvo; Federico Mari; Annalisa Massini; Igor Melatti |
Computing Biological Model Parameters by Parallel Statistical Model Checking |
2015 |
International Work Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2015) |
10.1007/978-3-319-16480-9_52 |
9044 |
542-554 |
Tortora, L.; Meynen, G.; Bijlsma, J.; Tronci, E.; Ferracuti, S. |
Neuroprediction and A.I. in Forensic Psychiatry and Criminal Justice: A Neurolaw Perspective |
2020 |
Frontiers in Psychology |
1664-1078 |
10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00220 |
11 |
220 |
Tronci, E.; Mancini, T.; Mari, F.; Melatti, I.; Jacobsen, R. H.; Ebeid, E.; Mikkelsen, S. A.; Prodanovic, M.; Gruber, J. K.; Hayes, B. |
SmartHG: Energy Demand Aware Open Services for Smart Grid Intelligent Automation |
2014 |
Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session of SEAA/DSD 2014 |
978-3-902457-40-0 |
Tronci, E.; Mancini, T.; Mari, F.; Melatti, I.; Salvo, I.; Prodanovic, M.; Gruber, J. K.; Hayes, B.; Elmegaard, L. |
Demand-Aware Price Policy Synthesis and Verification Services for Smart Grids |
2014 |
Proceedings of Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2014 IEEE International Conference On |
10.1109/SmartGridComm.2014.7007745 |
Tronci, E.; Mancini, T.; Salvo, I.; Mari, F.; Melatti, I.; Massini, A.; Sinisi, S.; Davì, F.; Dierkes, T.; Ehrig, R.; Röblitz, S.; Leeners, B.; Krüger, T.; Egli, M.; Ille, F. |
Patient-Specific Models from Inter-Patient Biological Models and Clinical Records |
2014 |
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) |
10.1109/FMCAD.2014.6987615 |
Tronci, Enrico |
Introductory Paper |
2006 |
Sttt |
10.1007/s10009-005-0212-y |
8 |
355-358 |