Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Publisher |
Volume |
Pages |
Bobbio, Andrea; Ciancamerla, Ester; Di Blasi, Saverio; Iacomini, Alessandro; Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Minichino, Michele; Scarlatti, Alessandro; Tronci, Enrico; Terruggia, Roberta; Zendri, Emilio |
Risk analysis via heterogeneous models of SCADA interconnecting Power Grids and Telco networks |
2009 |
Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS) |
10.1109/CRISIS.2009.5411974 |
90-97 |
Coppo, Mario; Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola; Giovannetti, Elio; Salvo, Ivano |
Mobility Types for Mobile Processes in Mobile Ambients |
2003 |
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. |
10.1016/S1571-0661(04)81011-9 |
78 |
Chierichetti, Flavio; Lattanzi, Silvio; Mari, Federico; Panconesi, Alessandro |
On Placing Skips Optimally in Expectation |
2008 |
Web Search and Web Data Mining (WSDM 2008) |
Acm |
10.1145/1341531.1341537 |
15-24 |
Tronci, Enrico; Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Venturini Zilli, Marisa |
Exploiting Transition Locality in Automatic Verification |
2001 |
11th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME) |
Springer |
3-540-42541-1 |
10.1007/3-540-44798-9_22 |
259-274 |
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico |
Validation and verification issues in a timeline-based planning system |
2010 |
The Knowledge Engineering Review |
Cambridge University Press |
10.1017/S0269888910000160 |
25 |
299-318 |
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico |
Flexible Timeline-Based Plan Verification |
2009 |
KI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 32nd Annual German Conference on AI, Paderborn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009. Proceedings |
Springer |
978-3-642-04616-2 |
10.1007/978-3-642-04617-9_7 |
49-56 |
Cecconi, Michele; Tronci, Enrico |
Requirements Formalization and Validation for a Telecommunication Equipment Protection Switcher |
2000 |
Hase |
IEEE Computer Society |
0-7695-0927-4 |
10.1109/HASE.2000.895456 |
Böhm, Corrado; Tronci, Enrico |
X-separability and left-invertibility in the λ-calculus (extended abstract, invited paper) |
1987 |
Proceedings of: Temi e prospettive della Logica e della Filosofia della Scienza contemporanea |
Tronci, Enrico |
On Computing Optimal Controllers for Finite State Systems |
1997 |
CDC '97: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control |
IEEE Computer Society |
Tronci, Enrico |
Optimal Finite State Supervisory Control |
1996 |
CDC '96: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control |
IEEE Computer Society |
10.1109/CDC.1996.572981 |