Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Publisher |
Volume |
Pages |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Di Marco, Antinisca; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Pierantonio, Alfonso |
Interoperability mapping from XML schemas to ER diagrams |
2006 |
Data Knowl. Eng. |
Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. |
0169-023x |
10.1016/j.datak.2005.08.002 |
59 |
166-188 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Magazzeni, Daniele; Tofani, Alberto; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico |
Automated Generation of Optimal Controllers through Model Checking Techniques |
2006 |
Icinco-Icso |
972-8865-59-7 |
10.1007/978-3-540-79142-3 |
26-33 |
Melatti, Igor; Palmer, Robert; Sawaya, Geoffrey; Yang, Yu; Kirby, Robert Mike; Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh |
Parallel and distributed model checking in Eddy |
2009 |
Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf. |
Springer-Verlag |
1433-2779 |
10.1007/s10009-008-0094-x |
11 |
13-25 |
Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tofani, Alberto; Macchiarelli, Guido |
Computational models of myocardial endomysial collagen arrangement |
2007 |
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine |
Elsevier North-Holland, Inc. |
0169-2607 |
10.1016/j.cmpb.2007.03.004 |
86 |
232-244 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico |
Exploiting Hub States in Automatic Verification |
2005 |
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: Third International Symposium, ATVA 2005, Taipei, Taiwan, October 4-7, 2005, Proceedings |
Springer |
3-540-29209-8 |
10.1007/11562948_7 |
54-68 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico; Venturini Zilli, Marisa |
Finite Horizon Analysis of Markov Chains with the Mur$\varphi$ Verifier |
2003 |
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2003, L'Aquila, Italy, October 21-24, 2003, Proceedings |
Springer |
3-540-20363-X |
10.1007/978-3-540-39724-3_34 |
394-409 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico; Venturini Zilli, Marisa |
Integrating RAM and Disk Based Verification within the Mur$\varphi$ Verifier |
2003 |
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2003, L'Aquila, Italy, October 21-24, 2003, Proceedings |
Springer |
3-540-20363-X |
10.1007/978-3-540-39724-3_25 |
277-282 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Di Marco, Antinisca; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Pierantonio, Alfonso |
Xere: Towards a Natural Interoperability between XML and ER Diagrams |
2003 |
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 6th International Conference, FASE 2003, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2003, Warsaw, Poland, April 7-11, 2003, Proceedings |
Springer |
3-540-00899-3 |
10.1007/3-540-36578-8_25 |
356-371 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Magazzeni, Daniele; Tofani, Alberto; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Tronci, Enrico |
Automatic Synthesis of Robust Numerical Controllers |
2007 |
Icas '07 |
IEEE Computer Society |
0-7695-2859-5 |
10.1109/CONIELECOMP.2007.59 |
4 |
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico; Alvisi, Lorenzo; Clement, Allen; Li, Harry |
Model Checking Nash Equilibria in MAD Distributed Systems |
2008 |
FMCAD '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design |
IEEE Press |
978-1-4244-2735-2 |
10.1109/FMCAD.2008.ECP.16 |
1-8 |