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  Author Title Year Publication Publisher (up) ISSN ISBN DOI Volume Pages Links
Tronci, Enrico Introductory Paper 2006 Sttt 10.1007/s10009-005-0212-y 8 355-358 details   pdf doi
Bartolini, Novella; Tronci, Enrico On Optimizing Service Availability of an Internet Based Architecture for Infrastructure Protection 2006 Cnip details   pdf openurl
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico Merging Planning, Scheduling & Verification – A Preliminary Analysis 2008 In Proc. of 10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA) details   pdf openurl
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico Validation and Verification Issues in a Timeline-based Planning System 2008 In E-Proc. of ICAPS Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling details   pdf openurl
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico Verifying Flexible Timeline-based Plans 2009 E-Proc. of ICAPS Workshop on Validation and Verification of Planning and Scheduling Systems details   pdf openurl
Gorrieri, Roberto; Lanotte, Ruggero; Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Martinelli, Fabio; Tini, Simone; Tronci, Enrico Automated analysis of timed security: a case study on web privacy 2004 International Journal of Information Security 10.1007/s10207-004-0037-9 2 168-186 details   pdf doi
Lanotte, Ruggero; Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Tini, Simone; Troina, Angelo; Tronci, Enrico Automatic Analysis of the NRL Pump 2004 Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 10.1016/j.entcs.2004.02.011 99 245-266 details   pdf doi
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Tronci, Enrico; Venturini Zilli, Marisa Synchronized regular expressions 2003 Acta Inf. 39 31-70 details   pdf openurl
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Intrigila, Benedetto; Tronci, Enrico; Venturini Zilli, Marisa Synchronized Regular Expressions 2002 Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 62 195-210 details   pdf url
Focardi, Riccardo; Gorrieri, Roberto; Lanotte, Ruggero; Maggiolo-Schettini, Andrea; Martinelli, Fabio; Tini, Simone; Tronci, Enrico Formal Models of Timing Attacks on Web Privacy 2002 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 10.1016/S1571-0661(04)00329-9 62 229-243 details   pdf doi
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