Author |
Title  |
Year |
Publication |
Publisher |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Chen, Q.M.; Finzi, A.; Mancini, T.; Melatti, I.; Tronci, E. |
MILP, Pseudo-Boolean, and OMT Solvers for Optimal Fault-Tolerant Placements of Relay Nodes in Mission Critical Wireless Networks |
2020 |
IOS Press |
1875-8681 |
10.3233/FI-2020-1941 |
174 |
229-258 |
Cesta, Amedeo; Finzi, Alberto; Fratini, Simone; Orlandini, Andrea; Tronci, Enrico |
Merging Planning, Scheduling & Verification – A Preliminary Analysis |
2008 |
In Proc. of 10th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation (ASTRA) |
Fischer, S.; Ehrig, R.; Schaefer, S.; Tronci, E.; Mancini, T.; Egli, M.; Ille, F.; Krueger, T.H.C.; Leeners, B.; Roeblitz, S. |
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation Provides Evidence for New Strategies of Ovarian Stimulation |
2021 |
Frontiers in Endocrinology |
1664-2392 |
10.3389/fendo.2021.613048 |
12 |
117 |
Alimguzhin, V.; Mari, F.; Melatti, I.; Salvo, I.; Tronci, E. |
Linearising Discrete Time Hybrid Systems |
2017 |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control |
0018-9286 |
10.1109/TAC.2017.2694559 |
62 |
5357-5364 |
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico |
Linear Constraints as a Modeling Language for Discrete Time Hybrid Systems |
2012 |
Proceedings of ICSEA 2012, The Seventh International Conference on Software Engineering Advances |
ThinkMind |
664-671 |
Mari, Federico; Melatti, Igor; Salvo, Ivano; Tronci, Enrico |
Linear Constraints and Guarded Predicates as a Modeling Language for Discrete Time Hybrid Systems |
2013 |
International Journal on Advances in Software |
1942-2628 |
vol. 6, nr 1&2 |
155-169 |
Leeners, B.; Kruger, T.H.C.; Geraedts, K.; Tronci, E.; Mancini, T.; Ille, F.; Egli, M.; Röblitz, S.; Saleh, L.; Spanaus, K.; Schippert, C.; Zhang, Y.; Hengartner, M.P. |
Lack of Associations between Female Hormone Levels and Visuospatial Working Memory, Divided Attention and Cognitive Bias across Two Consecutive Menstrual Cycles |
2017 |
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience |
1662-5153 |
10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00120 |
11 |
120 |
Tronci, Enrico |
Introductory Paper |
2006 |
Sttt |
10.1007/s10009-005-0212-y |
8 |
355-358 |
Bucciarelli, Antonio; Piperno, Adolfo; Salvo, Ivano |
Intersection types and λ-definability |
2003 |
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science |
Cambridge University Press |
0960-1295 |
10.1017/S0960129502003833 |
13 |
15-53 |
Della Penna, Giuseppe; Di Marco, Antinisca; Intrigila, Benedetto; Melatti, Igor; Pierantonio, Alfonso |
Interoperability mapping from XML schemas to ER diagrams |
2006 |
Data Knowl. Eng. |
Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. |
0169-023x |
10.1016/j.datak.2005.08.002 |
59 |
166-188 |